Thursday, December 27, 2012

First Year Anniversary of My Blog

Hi, today is the first year anniversary of my blog. I posted my blog first on 27th Dec 2011.
My blog reveal over 1000 hitters and it was seen from many countries around the world. I thank to all of my friends who have been supporting this blog…

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Rest Road

Sometimes I feel exhausted after working hour is so oppressive. To avoid this, I walk to the window, open it and see a scene from inside. Look at the scene this morning! From above, I see greenish grass such as tapestry. Also, to and fro the traffic is so real. The scene is perfectly good by looking around the splendor of building. This is industrial estate, when building and material is united. While sipping tea, I unwind and post my note in my blog. Yay!

An Acknowledgement

Actually, there are so many people ask me : Why do you write your blog in English? This is an acknowledgement. Consistently I answer because of my anger (please read : hopeless :) after seeing my lacking of TOEFL Score to apply in overseas fellowship whereas this is my big dream ever had. But, I should not feel inferior having a bad TOEFL score because I have started it. I practice by writing my heart voices through blogging. I notice current issue and then write my idea according to my view, all in English.

So, do not ever give up grabbing your best, look at around you and write it in English.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Learning Presentation by Watching TEDx Talks

TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. TED means Technology, Entertainment and Design. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.

I really excited by watching TEDx Talks Video though only watching through Youtube. I can learn everything (ideas, thoughts or even how and what to do) from local famous people from variety background. Let us watch Anies Baswedan’s Talk for example. He would like to introduce an idea (and now it has been a real) namely “Indonesia Mengajar”. It is a program for those (the students) who have good academic & leadership achievements to do something by teaching for a year an elementary schools in a remote area. By joining at “Indonesia Mengajar” he hopes the students would have world class competence but still have a grass root experience. This program is fully appreciated by government, education practice and students around Indonesia.

Another good presentation from TEDx is presented by Enda Nasution. He is one of Indonesian Blogger, owner of Enda fluently presented about social media booming which completed by data and factual theme. This is interesting. Because, according to him, Indonesia is the top of three in user of social media. You should watch their presentation on Youtube for further.   

So, by watching some people presenting their idea, I draw a conclusion : we can do like they do, and we have to dream by not only dream but also doing, practicing and then delivering a dream and sooner make it happen. Come on!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Morning Poet

I want to enjoy the beauty of morning
Where its face decorated by unlimited sky
Where its body wrapped by chained mist
Fuse and blend into the perfect of day

I want to open the nebula of morning
Get rid of thousands of stars
And millions of planet
Then let the sun shine brightly
So I can fly with or without happiness
Because of life
Is unpredictable
We’ve to undertake whatever
In front of us